Every evening at 7pm (UK time)
Please join us and help to raise the vibe of our beautiful mama earth ❤️ I (Rachael) feel that a focused meditation with an intention is one of the most helpful things that we can do during the current Covid-19 crisis, and we can do it from our own homes! If you can’t make the time or day for any reason, feel free to go ahead and do the meditation whenever you can. It all helps.
There is currently mass panic, doom, gloom and negative forces at work on our beautiful Mother Earth.
Every evening at 7pm I am inviting all who have the time to join me in a 15 minute meditation (or for as long as you feel called) in which we will visualise drawing down white healing light from source, through the crown chakra, out of the heart chakra and over our beautiful planet and it’s people. I will be ending my meditation by visualising the world that I want to live in and holding that thought in my mind. I will be focusing only on the things that I WANT to see rather than the things that I DON’T want to see so as not to bring more energy to those things that we wish to move away from.
I will be continuing on from this with prayer, Ho’ponopono and strong intention. Please feel free to join me for this too! There won't be a facebook live stream or recorded videos with these meditations. Please just go ahead and join in from 7pm GMT each evening.
People praying together is incredibly powerful. Remember those fires in Australia, the collective prayer for rain and the rain that followed the day after? Together we can do this.
It is so easy to get sucked into the negativity, fear and terror. I’m sure all of us are feeling this heaviness and uncertainty around us. These low vibrational energies actually weaken the immune system and the soul.
It is imperative that as many of us as possible stay in the light, stay in integrity and stay in love.
In the vibrational reality that we live in, every thought is significant. If too many people are engrossed in reading and listening to the fear mongering, low vibrational news outlets, then we are only perpetuating the low vibrational negative energy. We are giving more life to it than necessary.
Yes we must be cautious of our health in these times, but repeating and speaking of the current doom and gloom day in and day out is only sending out more negative vibrations.
Instead, let’s give life to the good that is happening in the world... so that more of it happens.
The ‘critical mass’ theory states that when a large enough percentage of people change their way of thinking or doing, the scales will tip in the opposite direction. A shift in the consciousness in the world.
The shift is not as far away as we think, as it only takes a small percentage of people to increase their vibration to create that tipping point. Just a few candles can dispel a great amount of darkness....
So to counteract the negative forces, the depression and panic on the planet, we pray, we have strong intention, we become a beacon of light in the darkness.
7pm every night! 🌟