Watching your world crumble
Have you ever felt like your whole world just crumbled in a matter of seconds? I know I have. The universe yanks the rug from under your feet in the most destructive fashion. Kali energy come to burn it all down. It feels like you lose the balance that you’ve been working so hard to maintain, and if you’re not careful you might lose your mind too. You may feel in those moments as though you’re left with nothing, that this feeling will never go away, and you’re completely alone in that feeling because the world can’t relate to your experiences. People can only offer some kind words, but the physical and emotional feeling is all on you to feel and navigate your way through. You find yourself lost and alone in the midst of extreme pain whilst still trying to keep up with your responsibilities. It can feel completely overwhelming.
For the last 5 years, it feels like I’ve been trapped in a never-ending cycle of initiations. Every time I thought I had clawed my way back to the light with everything I had, something else would fall apart and I’d be plunged back into the darkness. And when things fell apart, I fell apart with them too. It’s been the most challenging time of my life, but paradoxically, it’s also been the time where I’ve grown the most. It’s been full to the brim with pain, loss, and loneliness. I’m pretty certain that a literal river of tears has been cried in that time. It’s pretty hard to look back on any of that fondly, but I somehow do. I am able to because woven into the sheer pain and shock of the last 5 years, I have grown exponentially, and I’ll bet that you have or will too. It’s easy to feel utterly helpless in the face of so much adversity and pain. And in all honesty, there have been many moments where I have wondered if there’s any point in continuing to travel this journey of life at all if it’s just going to feel this way for what seems like an eternity.
A glimmer of hope
I know how despairing and miserable it can be when your whole world is crumbling around you, but I want to offer you a glimmer of hope. First of all, know that you are not alone. Many of us are struggling right alongside you, battling the whirlwind of life in the metaphorical washing machine that’s on the spin cycle. And whilst you are the only one carrying this uniquely painful experience on your shoulders, swimming against the tide, you are not alone in experiencing suffering. Listening to your body during these times is important, rest when you need to, and allow your feelings to come without stuffing them down.
But let me tell you what I have learned through this process. While it doesn’t feel even remotely possible right now, something beautiful is being birthed from this painful experience. Sometimes it just breaks you, and sometimes it takes years to recover, but by allowing ourselves to feel the pain, to cry when we need to, to scream when we need to, eventually we tire ourselves out and we surrender to our experience.
We let go of clinging to our old story. We learn the art of detachment because we have to. In this moment of surrender, something really powerful happens, an alchemical process begins. Your body and your mind now understand the darkness well, and at some point in this process, you realise that you are not that afraid of the darkness anymore. You make friends with the dark. Through these incredibly painful experiences, the empath can be born. A kind, compassionate person who has the ability to place themselves in another’s shoes and offer the warmth and understanding of a person who has risen from the darkness and back into the light. The power of a person who has transmuted their pain into gold is limitless.
Finding the strength to keep on going
And while at times it may not feel like it, you’ve made it this far, and somewhere inside of you is the strength to carry on. The strength to keep on getting up in the morning and doing what needs to be done for yourself, for your family. Somewhere inside of what may feel like an empty shell, there is an unshakeable strength and determination to change the narrative of your story. And that is the beautiful part, the knowing deep inside of yourself that you deserve to feel happy again, and the determination to feel that happiness no matter what you have to do to achieve it. Each time I find myself in the chaos and destruction of the next initiation, my determination to use my pain as a force for good in my life and the lives of others is created.
There comes a point where enough is enough, you know that lessons are going to keep on coming because life keeps on happening, but you choose to allow those experiences to break you open instead of breaking you down. You choose to channel that grief and pain into action. You begin searching for ways to make positive changes in your life. You refuse to merely be a bystander, watching as this painful experience destroys you.
My world is yet again in the process of crumbling around me. But what I have learned through my experiences, is that a new world is being built at the same time. I have no idea what my future will look like at this point, but all I know is that the crumbling of the old story has to happen in order for me to grow and be birthed anew.
Birthing your new life
This journey is far from easy. The road to becoming who you are truly meant to be is one of shedding endless layers and feeling the full depth of the human experience. Sometimes it feels as though the universe is squeezing you so tightly that you cannot breathe, eventually letting go so that you can experience the expansion of your being, and be propelled onto the next stage of your journey. The loneliness of your experience is one of the most important components. The solitude propels us onto the path of change because there is no one there to fix us, save us, or show us the way. We spend time going inwards, facing our pain, questioning our lives and how we found ourselves here, how did your light become diminished and how can you reignite the fire within? You become your own best friend. How can you birth a new life into being if you have not lost your mind, fought on the battleground with everything you have, surrendered to your pain, and found your own way in the dark and back to the light without the support of others? You realise that the answers were inside you all along. You don’t need someone to show you the way, because you already know what you need to do if you dig deep enough. The pain that you carry is not in vain. Life is one big learning curve full of obstacles and setbacks, but the rewards that come from learning to navigate those experiences on your own are immeasurable
I refuse to let pain be the end of my story. Do you?