I am weaving constant patterns into existence. The canvas is my spirit. My tools? All that is.
When I am present in this moment, as the coil of time unwinds its grip, what is it that I will find?
I will find me. Pure essence. Spirit in its entirety.
I am. I am. I am.
All of the darkness, the baggage, the memories of my past, the trauma, the hatred, the pain - It may feel as though these things were designed to keep me in a perpetual state of fear, depression, and disdain for this human experience.
But the truth is, these things bring me closer to God.
Because God is truth.
And truth is the full spectrum.
Truth is all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be.
Truth is not what you want it to be. It just is.
Are you ready to accept truth as it is and surrender to it?
This is the hand you have been dealt - and it is perfect. What are you going to do with it?
Are you going to fight and resist it until you exit this earthly existence having learned nothing?
Or will you peel back the veil and see beyond?
Will you open yourself to the possibility that this balance is perfection?
That the center of your storm is where pure truth lies?
That it just IS and no matter how hard your ego tries to mold reality to suit your idea of comfort, It cannot be achieved?
It cannot be achieved because we cannot dance on one side of truth.
Are you willing to accept that you are seeing exactly what has been designed and that what has been designed is all for you? Even in its most horrifying and desolate spaces?
To live fully - to live truthfully, we must witness, accept, and dance with all polarities of existence. We must dance with all of God.
Because this is who we are.
When we deny that we have this balance inside of us, we are not being true to who we really are.
Life will keep on breaking your heart. It will bring you to your knees and break it and break it until eventually it breaks wide open and allows the light to get in.
Once your heart is truly broken open you will begin to flow with your existence without resistance.
You see the heaviness, the darkness, the pain.
You witness this phenomenon. You witness the unfolding.
You learn to love your suffering because just as you are “I am” - it is.
How incredible it is to be anything at all.
The astounding beauty
The crushing pain
You see and feel the pure magic of this miracle happening before your eyes.
Once you become the witness to life's ever-unfolding and changing scenery, you free yourself from those old stories.
They were but a passing moment in time.
The play unfolding around you is simply unfolding
Can you allow it?
Those moments were but a predetermined expression of the divine come to meet you, to touch you, to teach you.
But if you cling to those old stories, you remain stuck. You resist letting go and you don't allow yourself to flow. These old stories become distractions from the divine. Distractions from your destiny as a being of pure love making the journey back home to the source of all life. The journey back to God.
We find ourselves in challenging times. Our fear feeding on the stories that are designed to conceal the light.
An attempt at division by relentless forces. Forces that create chaos and confusion and distraction from God.
Can you be the witness?
Can you stand in your centre and resist the bittersweet touch of those distractions?
Can you trust that harmony and peace will prevail?
Can you allow harmony and peace to be your new story?
You were sung into the existence of ferocious love. Love is not always neatly packaged and pretty. Sometimes love is painful. Where we find ourselves is caught up in God’s whirlwind of ferocious love.
Your spirit is strong. It is ALIVE. It is vibrant - always. Even amidst the chaos - It is vibrant.
You are God made manifest.
Your soul just needs to be unfurled like a flower. Blooming petal by petal.
Trust the wisdom that is inside you.
Listen to the still remaining whispers of your ancestors.
Follow the glimmer of light in your heart. It speaks for you. It loves you. It is your warrior spirit. Your voice of wisdom speaks if you allow it space to.
Forget the noise - those old stories. The ones that just popped by to meet you at that moment. It is not who you are. That noise keeps you chained. It is an old noise. It served you well, but it is time to leave it behind as you continue onwards. As you keep spiraling outwards into existence.
Eventually the collective situation that we find ourselves in will be old noise too as we continue on the spiral of life.
Your warrior spirit is loving awareness. She will open you, she will guide you back home to God moment by moment if you allow her. She is powerful.
She is God.
I suppose what I am trying to say is - This is it. This is life and it is a miracle. You are a miracle. Relax and watch as the universe unfolds in ecstasy at your feet.
You are free. If you choose to be.