The mushrooms gave me another piece to the puzzle
In recent weeks many synchronicities have been occurring in my life and old theories have come back to me. The sort of theories that you scratch your head over for months, but then you leave them to fizzle out as you continue to meet dead ends in your thinking.
A few years ago during a magic mushroom experience I was shown a new kind of vision, it wasn't the usual type of fractal image, but a crystal clear vision of the dawn of time. I simply closed my eyes whilst laying in my bed, and off I went. This vision felt more real than reality itself.
What did the mushrooms show me
Here is a snippet of what I wrote in my diary just after experiencing this intense visual:
“I can try to understand all of “this”... all of existence. I can continue in my attempt to explore every avenue of existence, but ultimately, I don’t know and never will know the whole truth. Not during this incarnation anyway.
Then why have we been given the opportunity to explore these possibilities, to try and figure this out if we always reach dead ends?
Is it another cosmic joke perhaps?
The “why?” will have you banging your head against a brick wall for eternity.
Perhaps we aren't supposed to understand. If we understand then are we no longer needed? Would none of this be needed because the universe would finally understand itself? It would finally have the answer to its question. If the universe's exploration of self ends then does the very fabric of reality collapse?
Do we understand more as we ascend to higher dimensions?
What then, is the end game?
Does each “strand” go back to source as it reaches the final, true understanding of itself? Of this? Does this singular point of consciousness then just swallow itself whole and disappear into the void space?
Void….a place of nothingness. Void is consciousness of its nothingness, but feels no desire to be whole.
What I saw during my vision was that the swirling, chaotic energy of void created consciousness. There was a coherent energy path contained within the void. The void already contained infinite possibility; a matrix. All the codes waiting to become coherent... sensical.
A singular occurrence of coherence within the chaos of void created consciousness. The coherence was simply an energy of stillness. One point of stillness amidst all of this chaos in a lifeless but very much alive void space.
Does this even make sense?
This single point of consciousness needed more depth. It was curious.
Something about curiosity feels important and powerful. I was just shown in my vision that the thing that triggered all of creation was chaos, then coherence, then curiosity, then expansion - in that order. It seems to me that this is how we as humans also grow: on a repeating loop.
Chaos - coherence - curiosity - growth.
Is all of this really only for the sake of experience?
Possibility because of probability.
Probable became possible with the expansion of the singular consciousness. Because of the chaos. Because of the coherence. Because of curiosity.
Curiosity did not kill the cat... it created it.
Many more perspectives of experience could be gained by the singular consciousness splitting itself off into infinity. Allowing the probability and possibility to multiply, infinitely.
‘The One’ (God) will be able to fully comprehend all experience once we (all experience) return to the one.
From fragmentation to wholeness, to stillness.
Then is it time for a new experience?
In the search for God, be prepared to meet the devil first.”
Synchronicities and looking for guidance
I want to tell you about two of my recent synchronicities relating to this mushroom experience that I had. A few mornings ago I woke up, went straight back to sleep and had a very clear dream. In this dream I was taken right back to the visual that I had during my mushroom experience years ago. I was shown in this dream that the ‘chaotic energy’ in the void space that I describe in the diary entry above was actually time. As we know, time is not linear. It isn't a straight line or a spiral… if I had to describe it in one word, it would be ‘chaotic’.
Two quotes come to mind here:
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” - Deepak Chopra
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” - Carl Jung
So in this void there was infinite possibility, a singular point of consciousness and there was time. It seems like the perfect recipe for creation to me. I feel that in this dream I was given the final piece to the puzzle I had been searching for. This morning I grabbed a random book off my shelf in search of some guidance. I often do this and the pages that I turn to are always completely relevant to my current situation. The book that I grabbed this morning was called “The Universal Soul” by Chris Thomas. Normally I will flick through the book and land at a random page, but this morning I felt compelled to just open the book on the first page. What I read confirmed to me that the vision that I had on mushrooms wasn't simply a “hallucination” (although I knew that anyway) I was being shown something very important about the origin of everything.
The universal soul
The first paragraph of the Chris Thomas book that I picked up this morning read:
“Curiosity, this is how life begins.
A curiosity along the lines of ‘what if?’ Together with the energy potential to imbue a lifeless void with the souls who are to explore the ‘what if?’ on behalf of the one who asked the question.
With sufficient energy potential, any question can be asked.
The next question is where?
The nearest analogy would be a cartoonist’s ‘thought bubble’, an envelope of energy into which the energy potential can be generated and contained.
As other thoughts occur, other ‘what if’s’, new envelopes are added until curiosity is satisfied and new thoughts can be given free reign and explored to their conclusions.
So far, a total of eleven ‘thoughts’ have been brought into active exploration. Eleven universes each imbued with the energy potential to answer the creator’s questions.
Our universe explores the ‘what if’ of freedom of choice. Every soul that exists within this universe has the right to choose their own actions, their own directions. The only ‘law’ that applies is that no one can choose to act in such a way as to remove the free choice of another’s free choice to act.”
Knowledge is available to those who actively seek it out
Although the nature of reality seems infinitely complex, it seems to me that if we are open to finding answers - actively seeking them, even - there are countless ways in which this information will find us. This is the process of evolution of consciousness. We may never have all of the answers, just as I mentioned at the start of this article, as this could render our experience pointless. Yet what it serves us to know will always be available to us if we make ourselves available to it.
In October of last year I wrote a blog about a mushroom experience that taught me about the nature of reality. Here it is if you would like to give it a read.