April 14th and 15th 2020 at 17:00 GMT / 13:00 ET / 10:00 PDT 20 MINUTES
After the worldwide meditation on 4th April 2020, it was reported that more than a million people around the world had come together at the same time for a 20-minute meditation designed to bring peace and balance back to the world. Afterwards there were many reports of exceptionally connective experiences, visions and synchronicities from those who took part. The days that followed seemed to contain a different vibration for many too. We can vouch for all of the above, having taken part in this.
Another interesting detail was that the Schumann Resonance was reported to have spiked dramatically (up to 76) at the time of the meditation.
Given the huge adversity we seem to be facing on both physical and spiritual levels, a sustained and combined effort is needed. There is too much fear taking over, which is understandable, but this can only worsen the situation. Many people are feeling confused and wondering what to do, but although we may not be able to unite in person, we can do so in other ways – ways that will demonstrate our power to create the lives we deserve.
Mass meditation can change the world, and if the previous meditation was as powerful as it seems to have been, sending more pure intention to the current situation can only be a good thing. Many people feel that it is the only thing we can do.
This is a great thing to do daily, but the power of a worldwide combined effort at a set time is likely to have the biggest impact.
We therefore invite you to join us for this worldwide meditation on:
April 14th and 15th 2020 at 17:00 GMT / 13:00 ET / 10:00 PDT 20 MINUTES
If you are not sure what time this is in your country/city, check it out on www.timeanddate.com.
Over these two days, Venus (the planet of love) in the sign of Gemini (the sign of communication, inter-human connection, telepathy) meets Vesta (keeper of the sacred flame, relating to passion, holiness, divine power of words, mantras, thoughts). This means we have some celestial allies and it’s a great time to meditate, pray and send healing energy to the Earth.
Please invite everyone you know, as we can't do this without you!
We wish to keep this meditation simple, but we feel that when doing any meditative work it is important to protect yourself and focus your intention clearly so that the energy is directed to where it needs to be.
For manifestation is it important to focus on what you DO want to achieve, rather than what you DON’T want. Your visions and intentions are creative, so you need to be careful what you are visualising. Visualising and intending to bring about exactly the kind of world you want to see will make this vision much more likely to materialise, whereas focusing on what you want to get rid of is likely to attract more of the same.
1. Visualise protection in the form of white light from source enveloping your being and immediate space, while setting the intention to call in only the beings that come from love and have humanity’s best interests at heart, whether they are your ancestors, spirit guides or any other.
2. Start to visualise the kind of world you want to live in in as much detail as you can. For example: free energy, flourishing nature, freedom and peace for all beings, abundance for all, harmonious ecology and economy, purity of environment, health, fun, creativity, connectivity… however it looks for you, dream it into being by feeling the kind of gratitude and relief you will have when it arrives. Spend these 20 minutes immersing yourself in this healthy vision, and complete it with the mantra “Indeed it is so”. This sets your intention to materialise your vision.
3. When you are done, thank the beings you called in, and thank the universe/God/Earth for assisting you in this process. From this time onwards, try to spend some time every day recalling your visions and feeling gratitude for them as if they were already here. Know that if you truly intend it, they will be. Everything in consciousness already exists, so we just need to align with it. You may also like to repeat the powerful cleansing Ho’oponopono mantra often: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”.
Unity is the answer, as is critical mass. So the more of us that can commit to 20 minutes of unity, our collective intention will be a formidable force. We owe it to ourselves and each other. We hope you will join us!
Please set an alarm or reminder for this mediation and share this event with as many people as you can, through as many channels as you can! Thank you for joining us in doing everything we can to restore balance and harmony to our world.