Welcome to The Wider Reality
The Wider Reality describes the periphery of our universe. It is a place of angelic beings, our higher selves, spirit guides, extraterrestrials and universal unconditional love. It is a space of connectedness and the place where the bright light of source consciousness emanates from. It is also the place where almost all of my shamanic healing takes place.
The Wider Reality offers a wide range of shamanic services, all of which are aimed at healing the being or environment I am working with. I (Rachael) have undertaken full shamanic training and my services include universal soul retrieval, one to one sessions, house clearances, entity removal, shamanic energy healing, reiki, shamanic journeying, and remote healing. I also run shamanic healing ceremonies and retreats in the UK and Europe, and host cacao and ecstatic dance ceremonies, Rapéh medicine ceremonies and much more!
I also host 'Introduction to Shamanism' workshops for those who wish to explore this fascinating subject and learn techniques to help with healing and life management. Please scroll down for my upcoming workshops.
Upcoming Workshops and Retreats
Healing Retreats in Europe
If you are interested in knowing about my healing retreats, please see the below video of a retreat I ran last year in Portugal. Please see my retreat menu for more information.
My Blog
“Perhaps the most mulled over question in life is, What is the point of it all? After a deep conversation with the mushrooms, a few pieces of the puzzle came together in a succinct way. The plants are a radio frequency changer for those brave and willing enough to drop the ego and learn real truths. Often painful, harsh truths since the ego has to admit to misunderstandings. Again, that harshness, that pain - it takes us to the light. We cannot bypass the process…”
The biggest lesson I’ve been taught on my 10 year journey with the plants is, “Let go... surrender”. If you cling on tightly to the 3D consensus reality during a journey with any plant then you’re probably going to have a tough time. This is true in our everyday lives too. A zen proverb comes to mind: “Let go or be dragged”.
That night when we danced
With every inhale of breath
The atoms of our bodies expanded up and out into the universe
And with every exhale we came back together again
Some of us spend the majority of our lives engulfed by the darkness. Broken by it. I labelled myself as a broken person. I put myself inside a box. That was entirely my choice. There was comfort in the darkness. It was somehow easier down there than coming into the light. The light was blinding, loving, all encompassing and it terrified me.